# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2014 Objectif Libre
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import abc
import datetime
import fractions
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
from stevedore import driver
from voluptuous import All
from voluptuous import Any
from voluptuous import Coerce
from voluptuous import Error as VoluptuousError
from voluptuous import In
from voluptuous import Invalid
from voluptuous import Length
from voluptuous import Optional
from voluptuous import Required
from voluptuous import Schema
from cloudkitty.dataframe import DataPoint
from cloudkitty import utils as ck_utils
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
collect_opts = [
help='Data collector.'),
help='Rating period in seconds.'),
help='Wait for N periods before collecting new data.'),
help='Metrology configuration file.'),
help='Key defining a scope. project_id or domain_id for '
'OpenStack, but can be anything.'),
CONF.register_opts(collect_opts, 'collect')
COLLECTORS_NAMESPACE = 'cloudkitty.collector.backends'
def MetricDict(value):
if isinstance(value, dict) and len(value.keys()) > 0:
return value
if isinstance(value, list) and len(value) > 0:
for v in value:
if not (isinstance(v, dict) and len(v.keys()) > 0):
raise Invalid("Not a dict with at least one key or a "
"list with at least one dict with at "
"least one key. Provided value: %s" % value)
return value
raise Invalid("Not a dict with at least one key or a "
"list with at least one dict with at "
"least one key. Provided value: %s" % value)
CONF_BASE_SCHEMA = {Required('metrics'): MetricDict}
# Human-readable description for the CloudKitty rating type
Optional('description'): All(str, Length(min=1)),
# Display unit
Required('unit'): All(str, Length(min=1)),
# Factor for unit converion
Required('factor', default=1):
Any(int, float, Coerce(fractions.Fraction)),
# Offset for unit conversion
Required('offset', default=0):
# [int, float, fractions.Fraction],
Any(int, float, Coerce(fractions.Fraction)),
# Name to be used in dataframes, and used for service creation in hashmap
# module. Defaults to the name of the metric
Optional('alt_name'): All(str, Length(min=1)),
# This is what metrics are grouped by on collection.
Required('groupby', default=list): [
All(str, Length(min=1))
# Available in HashMap
Required('metadata', default=list): [
All(str, Length(min=1))
# Mutate collected value. May be any of:
# Defaults to NONE
Required('mutate', default='NONE'):
# Map dict used if mutate == 'MAP'
Optional('mutate_map'): dict,
# Collector-specific args. Should be overriden by schema provided for
# the given collector
Optional('extra_args'): dict,
def get_collector():
metrics_conf = ck_utils.load_conf(CONF.collect.metrics_conf)
collector_args = {
'period': CONF.collect.period,
'conf': metrics_conf,
return driver.DriverManager(
def get_collector_without_invoke():
"""Return the collector without invoke it."""
return driver.DriverManager(
def get_metrics_based_collector_metadata():
"""Return dict of metadata.
Results are based on enabled collector and metrics in CONF.
metrics_conf = ck_utils.load_conf(CONF.collect.metrics_conf)
collector = get_collector_without_invoke()
metadata = {}
if 'metrics' in metrics_conf:
for metric_name, metric in metrics_conf.get('metrics', {}).items():
alt_name = metric.get('alt_name', metric_name)
metadata[alt_name] = collector.get_metadata(
return metadata
class NoDataCollected(Exception):
"""Raised when the collection returned no data.
def __init__(self, collector, resource):
super(NoDataCollected, self).__init__(
"Collector '%s' returned no data for resource '%s'" % (
collector, resource))
self.collector = collector
self.resource = resource
class BaseCollector(object, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
collector_name = None
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.period = kwargs['period']
self.conf = self.check_configuration(kwargs['conf'])
except KeyError as e:
key_error_message = "Missing argument (%s)" % e
LOG.error(key_error_message, e)
raise ValueError(key_error_message)
except VoluptuousError as v:
LOG.error('Problem while checking configurations.', v)
raise v
def check_configuration(conf):
"""Checks and validates metric configuration.
Collectors requiring extra parameters for metric collection
should implement this method, call the method of the parent class,
extend the ``extra_args`` key in ``METRIC_BASE_SCHEMA`` and validate
the metric configuration against the new schema.
conf = Schema(CONF_BASE_SCHEMA)(conf)
metric_schema = Schema(METRIC_BASE_SCHEMA)
scope_key = CONF.collect.scope_key
output = {}
for metric_name, metric in conf['metrics'].items():
if not isinstance(metric, list):
metric = [metric]
for m in metric:
met = metric_schema(m)
names = [metric_name]
alt_name = met.get('alt_name')
if alt_name is not None:
new_metric_name = "@#".join(names)
if output.get(new_metric_name) is not None:
raise InvalidConfiguration(
"Metric {} already exists, you should change the"
"alt_name for metric: {}"
.format(new_metric_name, metric))
output[new_metric_name] = met
if scope_key not in output[new_metric_name]['groupby']:
return output
def _res_to_func(cls, resource_name):
trans_resource = 'get_'
trans_resource += resource_name.replace('.', '_')
return trans_resource
def get_metadata(cls, resource_name):
"""Return metadata about collected resource as a dict.
Dict object should contain:
- "metadata": available metadata list,
- "unit": collected quantity unit
return {"metadata": [], "unit": "undefined"}
def fetch_all(self, metric_name, start, end,
project_id=None, q_filter=None):
"""Fetches information about a specific metric for a given period.
This method must respect the ``groupby`` and ``metadata`` arguments
provided in the metric conf at initialization.
(Available in ``self.conf['groupby']`` and ``self.conf['metadata']``).
Returns a list of cloudkitty.dataframe.DataPoint objects.
:param metric_name: Name of the metric to fetch
:type metric_name: str
:param start: start of the period
:type start: datetime.datetime
:param end: end of the period
:type end: datetime.datetime
:param project_id: ID of the scope for which data should be collected
:type project_id: str
:param q_filter: Optional filters
:type q_filter: dict
def retrieve(self, metric_name, start, end,
project_id=None, q_filter=None):
data = self.fetch_all(
name = self.conf[metric_name].get('alt_name', metric_name)
if not data:
raise NoDataCollected(self.collector_name, name)
return name, data
def _create_data_point(self, metric, qty, price, groupby, metadata, start):
unit = metric['unit']
if not start:
start = datetime.datetime.now()
LOG.debug("Collector [%s]. No start datetime defined for "
"datapoint[unit=%s, quantity=%s, price=%s, groupby=%s, "
"metadata=%s]. Therefore, we use the current time as "
"the start time for this datapoint.",
self.collector_name, unit, qty, price, groupby, metadata)
week_of_the_year = start.strftime("%U")
day_of_the_year = start.strftime("%-j")
month_of_the_year = start.strftime("%-m")
year = start.strftime("%Y")
if groupby is None:
groupby = {}
groupby['week_of_the_year'] = week_of_the_year
groupby['day_of_the_year'] = day_of_the_year
groupby['month'] = month_of_the_year
groupby['year'] = year
return DataPoint(unit, qty, price, groupby, metadata,
class InvalidConfiguration(Exception):
def check_duplicates(metric_name, metric):
"""Checks for duplicates in "groupby" and "metadata".
:param metric: config dict for a metric to check
:type metric: dict
groupby = set(metric['groupby'])
metadata = set(metric['metadata'])
duplicates = groupby.intersection(metadata)
if duplicates:
raise InvalidConfiguration(
'Metric {} has duplicates in groupby and metadata: {}'.format(
metric_name, metric))
metric['groupby'] = list(groupby)
metric['metadata'] = list(metadata)
return metric
def validate_map_mutator(metric_name, metric):
"""Validates MAP mutator"""
mutate = metric.get('mutate')
mutate_map = metric.get('mutate_map')
if mutate == 'MAP' and mutate_map is None:
raise InvalidConfiguration(
'Metric {} uses MAP mutator but mutate_map is missing: {}'.format(
metric_name, metric))
if mutate != 'MAP' and mutate_map is not None:
raise InvalidConfiguration(
'Metric {} not using MAP mutator but mutate_map is present: '
'{}'.format(metric_name, metric))
def validate_conf(conf):
"""Validates the provided configuration."""
collector = get_collector_without_invoke()
output = collector.check_configuration(conf)
for metric_name, metric in output.items():
if 'alt_name' not in metric.keys():
metric['alt_name'] = metric_name
check_duplicates(metric_name, metric)
validate_map_mutator(metric_name, metric)
return output