
This is the roadmap for planned changes in CloudKitty. Changes are split into:

  • Continuous

  • Short-term (planned for the next release)

  • Mid-term (ideally for the next release, else for release R+2)

  • Long-term (for changes that will definitely not happen during the next release).


This document must be kept up-to-date. Any newly planned feature should be added. The statuses of the existing features should be updated regularly. At each release, it is the CloudKitty’s PTL’s responsibility to remove the changes that have been merged during the previous release.

How to edit this document

The first two columns should not need to be modified. If there are several assignees to a change, you can either specify each person individually or write the word multiple in the Assignees column.

Status columns can be in four states:

  • Not started

  • Started

  • Review

  • Done

See the source file of this document for highlighting syntax (doc/source/developer/roadmap.rst).

Continuous effort

Some points deserve continuous effort. These are not tied to a specific release, but are some of the most important aspects of the project. Some of these can be good first contributions.

  • Welcoming and mentoring new contributors. Reviewers should be especially kind when reviewing a person’s first contribution. Don’t assume that they know the “developer workflow” document and OpenStack guidelines by heart, and point them to the right resources if needed.

  • Improving the documentation. This includes migrating documentation to the new format (adopt a user-profile and component-based layout), but also adding information you figured out by yourself and couldn’t find in the existing documentation (for example: notes for specific configuration options, some examples, additional explanations on some notions that may be difficult to grasp for newcomers…).

  • Improving the troubleshooting documentation. The creation of this documentation is part of the mid-term effort (see below). It will be especially useful for new users. Good first contribution

  • Adding tests. There are never enough tests, so don’t be shy and feel free to improve the current unit tests or add some scenarios to the tempest plugin. Good first contribution

Short-term effort

Planned Change


Spec status

Implementation status

Short summary

Adding the v2 API




The new API of CloudKitty, to which all new endpoints will be added.

Support local timezones




Currently, CloudKitty converts all dates to UTC and is not timezone-aware. This must be changed in order to get a better user experience.

Add a Prometheus scope fetcher




A scope fetcher that will work in a similar way to the Gnocchi fetcher (retrieving all values for a given metadata field on a set of metrics).

Add support for the v2 API to the client




Add the necessary base to the client to start supporting v2 API endpoints.

Add a v2 API endpoint allowing to reset the state of a scope




This will allow to delete all the data for a specific scope after a given date, and reset the state of this scope to that date.

Add a V2 API endpoint allowing to retrieve rating information




This will be an improved version of the /summary endpoint available in the v1 API. It will allow grouping of data on any groupby attribute.

Add a v2 API endpoint allowing to generate reports



Not started

This will be a replacement for cloudkitty-writer.

Mid-term effort

Planned Change


Spec status

Implementation status

Short summary

Creating a new rating module



Not started

This module will add support for validity periods on rating rules, rulesets and will allow rule creation in a declarative way.

Add a second v2 storage backend



Not started

An alternative to InfluxDB, with support for clustering. For now, Elasticsearch has been retained.

Add a troubleshooting documentation


Not started

Not started

A documentation providing responses, checklists and tutorials to the most frequently asked questions on the #cloudkitty IRC channel.

Long-term effort

Planned Change


Spec status

Implementation status

Short summary

Complete migration of the v1 API into v2



Not started

Making every (if not deprecated) endpoint of the v1 API available in the v2 API.

Adding authentication middlewares to the API in case it is used without keystone.


Not started

Not started

This would allow support for RBAC outside of an openstack context.

API Migration status


v1 API endpoints which are not listed below will not be migrated.

v1 endpoint




Tempest tests

GET /v1/info/config

Not started

Not started

Not started

Not started

GET /v1/info/metric

Not started

Not started

Not started

Not started

GET /v1/rating/modules

Not started

Not started

Not started

Not started

PUT /v1/rating/modules

Not started

Not started

Not started

Not started

POST /v1/rating/quote

Not started

Not started

Not started

Not started

GET /v1/report/summary




Not started

GET /v1/storage/dataframes




Not started

GET /v1/rating/module_config/pyscripts/scripts

Not started

Not started

Not started

Not started

POST /v1/rating/module_config/pyscripts/scripts

Not started

Not started

Not started

Not started

PUT /v1/rating/module_config/pyscripts/scripts

Not started

Not started

Not started

Not started

DELETE /v1/rating/module_config/pyscripts/scripts

Not started

Not started

Not started

Not started

GET /v1/rating/module_config/hashmap/types

Not started

Not started

Not started

Not started

GET /v1/rating/module_config/hashmap/services

Not started

Not started

Not started

Not started

POST /v1/rating/module_config/hashmap/services

Not started

Not started

Not started

Not started

DELETE /v1/rating/module_config/hashmap/services

Not started

Not started

Not started

Not started

GET /v1/rating/module_config/hashmap/fields

Not started

Not started

Not started

Not started

POST /v1/rating/module_config/hashmap/fields

Not started

Not started

Not started

Not started

DELETE /v1/rating/module_config/hashmap/fields

Not started

Not started

Not started

Not started

GET /v1/rating/module_config/hashmap/mappings

Not started

Not started

Not started

Not started

POST /v1/rating/module_config/hashmap/mappings

Not started

Not started

Not started

Not started

PUT /v1/rating/module_config/hashmap/mappings

Not started

Not started

Not started

Not started

DELETE /v1/rating/module_config/hashmap/mappings

Not started

Not started

Not started

Not started

GET /v1/rating/module_config/hashmap/mappings/group

Not started

Not started

Not started

Not started

GET /v1/rating/module_config/hashmap/groups

Not started

Not started

Not started

Not started

POST /v1/rating/module_config/hashmap/groups

Not started

Not started

Not started

Not started

DELETE /v1/rating/module_config/hashmap/groups

Not started

Not started

Not started

Not started

GET /v1/rating/module_config/hashmap/groups/mappings

Not started

Not started

Not started

Not started

GET /v1/rating/module_config/hashmap/groups/thresholds

Not started

Not started

Not started

Not started