Sphinx Integration¶
cliff supports integration with Sphinx by way of a Sphinx directives.
Before using the autoprogram-cliff
directive you must add
‘cliff.sphinxext’ extension module to a list of extensions in conf.py:
extensions = ['cliff.sphinxext']
- .. autoprogram-cliff:: <namespace> or <app class>¶
Automatically document an instance of
including a description, usage summary, and overview of all options.There are two modes in this directive: command mode and app mode. The directive takes one required argument and the mode is determined based on the argument specified.
The command mode documents various information of a specified instance of
. The command mode takes the namespace that the command(s) can be found in as the argument. This is generally defined in the entry_points section of either setup.cfg or setup.py. You can specify which command(s) should be displayed using :command: option... autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.compute.v2 :command: server add fixed ip
The app mode documents various information of a specified instance of
. The app mode takes the python path of the corresponding class as the argument. In the app mode, :application: option is usually specified so that the command name is shown in the rendered output... autoprogram-cliff:: cliffdemo.main.DemoApp :application: cliffdemo
Refer to the example below for more information.
In addition, the following directive options can be supplied:
- :command:
The name of the command, as it would appear if called from the command line without the executable name. This will be defined in setup.cfg or setup.py albeit with underscores. This is optional and fnmatch-style wildcarding is supported. Refer to the example below for more information.
This option is effective only in the command mode.
- :arguments
The arguments to be passed when the cliff application is instantiated. Some cliff applications requires arguments when instantiated. This option can be used to specify such arguments.
This option is effective only in the app mode.
- :application:
The top-level application name, which will be prefixed before all commands. This option overrides the global option autoprogram_cliff_application described below. In most cases the global configuration is enough, but this option is useful if your sphinx document handles multiple cliff applications.
configuration option.- :ignored:
A comma-separated list of options to exclude from documentation for this option. This is useful for options that are of low value.
configuration option.
The following global configuration values are supported. These should be placed in conf.py:
- autoprogram_cliff_application
The top-level application name, which will be prefixed before all commands. This is generally defined in the console_scripts attribute of the entry_points section of either setup.cfg or setup.py. Refer to the example below for more information.
For example:
autoprogram_cliff_application = 'my-sample-application'
Defaults to
directive option.The
directive option.- autoprogram_cliff_ignored
A global list of options to exclude from documentation. This can be used to prevent duplication of common options, such as those used for pagination, across all options.
For example:
autoprogram_cliff_ignored = ['--help', '--page', '--order']
Defaults to
directive option.- autoprogram_cliff_app_dist_name
The name of the python distribution (the name used with pip, as opposed to the package name used for importing) providing the commands/applications being documented. Generated documentation for plugin components includes a message indicating the name of the plugin. Setting this option tells cliff the name of the distribution providing components natively so their documentation does not include this message.
- Module sphinxcontrib.autoprogram
An equivalent library for use with plain-old argparse applications.
- Module sphinx-click
An equivalent library for use with click applications.
The autoprogram-cliff
directive emits code-block
snippets marked up as shell code. This requires pygments >= 0.6.
Simple Example (demoapp)¶
cliff provides a sample application, Exploring the Demo App, to demonstrate some of the features of cliff. This application is documented using the cliff.sphinxext Sphinx extension.
Advanced Example (python-openstackclient)¶
It is also possible to document larger applications, such as python-openstackclient. Take a sample setup.cfg file, which is a minimal version of the setup.cfg provided by the python-openstackclient project:
console_scripts =
openstack = openstackclient.shell:main
openstack.compute.v2 =
host_list = openstackclient.compute.v2.host:ListHost
host_set = openstackclient.compute.v2.host:SetHost
host_show = openstackclient.compute.v2.host:ShowHost
This will register three commands - host list
, host set
and host
- for a top-level executable called openstack
. To document the first
of these, add the following:
.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.compute.v2
:command: host list
You could also register all of these at once like so:
.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.compute.v2
:command: host *
Finally, if these are the only commands available in that namespace, you can omit the :command: parameter entirely:
.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.compute.v2
In all cases, you should add the following to your conf.py to ensure all usage examples show the full command name:
autoprogram_cliff_application = 'openstack'