In addition to running single commands from the command line, cliff supports an interactive mode in which the user is presented with a separate command shell. All of the command plugins available from the command line are automatically configured as commands within the shell.
Refer to the cmd2 documentation for more details about features of the shell.
The cliffdemo application enters interactive mode if no command is specified on the command line.
(.venv)$ cliffdemo
(cliffdemo) help
Shell commands (type help <topic>):
cmdenvironment edit hi l list pause r save shell show
ed help history li load py run set shortcuts
Undocumented commands:
EOF eof exit q quit
Application commands (type help <topic>):
files help simple file error two part
To obtain instructions for a built-in or application command, use the help command:
(cliffdemo) help simple
usage: simple [-h]
A simple command that prints a message.
optional arguments:
-h, --help Show help message and exit.
The commands can be run, including options and arguments, as on the regular command line:
(cliffdemo) simple
sending greeting
(cliffdemo) files
| Name | Size |
| .git | 578 |
| .gitignore | 268 |
| .tox | 238 |
| .venv | 204 |
| announce.rst | 1015 |
| announce.rst~ | 708 |
| cliff | 884 |
| cliff.egg-info | 340 |
| cliffdemo.log | 2193 |
| cliffdemo.log.1 | 10225 |
| demoapp | 408 |
| dist | 136 |
| | 15285 |
| distribute_setup.pyc | 15196 |
| docs | 238 |
| LICENSE | 11358 |
| Makefile | 376 |
| Makefile~ | 94 |
| | 186 |
| | 344 |
| README.rst | 1063 |
| | 5855 |
| | 8128 |
| tests | 204 |
| tox.ini | 76 |
| tox.ini~ | 421 |