The cinder.api.v3.messages Module

The messages API.

class MessagesController(ext_mgr)

Bases: cinder.api.openstack.wsgi.Controller

The User Messages API controller for the OpenStack API.

delete(req, id)

Delete a message.


Returns a list of messages, transformed through view builder.

show(req, id)

Return the given message.

versioned_methods = {'index': [<cinder.api.openstack.versioned_method.VersionedMethod object at 0x7fcf7f5434d0>], 'delete': [<cinder.api.openstack.versioned_method.VersionedMethod object at 0x7fcf7f543410>], 'show': [<cinder.api.openstack.versioned_method.VersionedMethod object at 0x7fcf7f543350>]}
wsgi_actions = {}
wsgi_extensions = []
check_policy(context, action, target_obj=None)