Libraries common throughout Cinder or just ones that haven’t been categorized very well yet.
RequestContext: context for requests that persist through all of cinder.
Bases: oslo_context.context.RequestContext
Security context and request information.
Represents the user taking a given action within the system.
Return a version of this context with admin flag set.
Build and return the Cinder internal tenant context object
This request context will only work for internal Cinder operations. It will not be able to make requests to remote services. To do so it will need to use the keystone client to get an auth_token.
Cinder base exception handling.
Includes decorator for re-raising Cinder-type exceptions.
SHOULD include dedicated exception logging.
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.APIException
Bases: cinder.exception.NotAuthorized
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.NotFound
Bases: cinder.exception.BackupDriverException
Bases: cinder.exception.QuotaError
Bases: cinder.exception.BackupDriverException
Bases: cinder.exception.NotFound
Bases: cinder.exception.Invalid
Bases: cinder.exception.BackupDriverException
Bases: cinder.exception.BackupDriverException
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.NotFound
Bases: exceptions.Exception
Base Cinder Exception
To correctly use this class, inherit from it and define a ‘message’ property. That message will get printf’d with the keyword arguments provided to the constructor.
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.NotFound
Bases: cinder.exception.NotFound
Bases: webob.exc.WSGIHTTPException
Bases: cinder.exception.VolumeBackendAPIException
Bases: cinder.exception.Invalid
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.Duplicate
Bases: cinder.exception.VolumeBackendAPIException
Bases: cinder.exception.BackupDriverException
Bases: exceptions.Exception
Bases: exceptions.Exception
Bases: cinder.exception.Invalid
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.VolumeDriverException
Bases: cinder.exception.NotFound
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.Invalid
Bases: cinder.exception.NotFound
Bases: cinder.exception.RemoteFSException
Bases: cinder.exception.RemoteFSNoSharesMounted
Bases: cinder.exception.RemoteFSNoSuitableShareFound
Bases: cinder.exception.HBSDError
Bases: cinder.exception.HBSDError
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.NotFound
Bases: cinder.exception.VolumeIsBusy
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.NotFound
Bases: cinder.exception.NotFound
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.NotFound
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.Invalid
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.NotFound
Bases: cinder.exception.Invalid
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.VolumeDriverException
Bases: cinder.exception.Invalid
Bases: cinder.exception.Invalid
Bases: cinder.exception.Invalid
Bases: cinder.exception.Invalid
Bases: cinder.exception.VolumeDriverException
Bases: cinder.exception.Invalid
Bases: cinder.exception.Invalid
Bases: cinder.exception.Invalid
Bases: cinder.exception.Invalid
Bases: cinder.exception.Invalid
Bases: cinder.exception.Invalid
Bases: cinder.exception.Invalid
Bases: cinder.exception.Invalid
Bases: cinder.exception.Invalid
Bases: cinder.exception.Invalid
Bases: cinder.exception.Invalid
Bases: cinder.exception.Invalid
Bases: cinder.exception.Invalid
Bases: cinder.exception.Invalid
Bases: cinder.exception.Invalid
Bases: cinder.exception.Invalid
Bases: cinder.exception.Invalid
Bases: cinder.exception.Invalid
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.VolumeDriverException
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.Invalid
Bases: cinder.exception.Invalid
Bases: cinder.exception.Invalid
Bases: cinder.exception.VolumeDriverException
Bases: cinder.exception.RemoteFSException
Bases: cinder.exception.RemoteFSNoSharesMounted
Bases: cinder.exception.RemoteFSNoSuitableShareFound
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
No more available targets.
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.Invalid
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.NotFound
Bases: cinder.exception.NotFound
Bases: cinder.exception.NotAuthorized
Bases: cinder.exception.QuotaNotFound
Bases: cinder.exception.VolumeDriverException
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.Duplicate
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.NotFound
Bases: cinder.exception.NotFound
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.QuotaNotFound
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.NotFound
Bases: cinder.exception.QuotaNotFound
Bases: cinder.exception.QuotaNotFound
Bases: cinder.exception.VolumeDriverException
Bases: cinder.exception.RemoteFSException
Bases: cinder.exception.RemoteFSException
Bases: cinder.exception.VolumeDriverException
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.NotFound
Bases: cinder.exception.QuotaNotFound
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.NotFound
Bases: cinder.exception.NotFound
Bases: cinder.exception.NotFound
Bases: cinder.exception.NotFound
Bases: cinder.exception.Invalid
Bases: cinder.exception.SheepdogError
Bases: cinder.exception.VolumeBackendAPIException
Bases: cinder.exception.RemoteFSException
Bases: cinder.exception.RemoteFSNoSharesMounted
Bases: cinder.exception.RemoteFSNoSuitableShareFound
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.QuotaError
Bases: cinder.exception.NotFound
Bases: cinder.exception.NotFound
Bases: cinder.exception.SolidFireAPIException
Bases: cinder.exception.VolumeBackendAPIException
Bases: cinder.exception.SolidFireDriverException
Bases: cinder.exception.VolumeDriverException
Bases: cinder.exception.VolumeBackendAPIException
Bases: cinder.exception.BackupDriverException
Bases: cinder.exception.NotFound
Bases: cinder.exception.VolumeDriverException
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.NotFound
Bases: cinder.exception.Invalid
Bases: cinder.exception.NotFound
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.QuotaError
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.QuotaError
Bases: cinder.exception.BackupDriverException
Bases: cinder.exception.NotFound
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.NotFound
Bases: cinder.exception.QuotaError
Bases: cinder.exception.QuotaError
Bases: cinder.exception.Duplicate
Bases: cinder.exception.NotFound
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.Invalid
Bases: cinder.exception.NotFound
Bases: cinder.exception.Duplicate
Bases: cinder.exception.NotFound
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.NotFound
Bases: cinder.exception.VolumeTypeNotFound
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.RemoteFSException
Bases: cinder.exception.RemoteFSNoSharesMounted
Bases: cinder.exception.RemoteFSNoSuitableShareFound
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.VolumeDriverException
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Bases: cinder.exception.CinderException
Command-line flag library.
Emulates gflags by wrapping cfg.ConfigOpts.
The idea is to move fully to cfg eventually, and this wrapper is a stepping stone.
Bases: oslo_messaging.serializer.Serializer
Base classes for our unit tests.
Allows overriding of CONF for use of fakes, and some black magic for inline callbacks.
Bases: fixtures.fixture.Fixture
Bases: testtools.testcase.TestCase
Test case base class for all unit tests.
Assert two dicts are equivalent.
This is a ‘deep’ match in the sense that it handles nested dictionaries appropriately.
If you don’t care (or don’t know) a given value, you can specify the string DONTCARE as the value. This will cause that dict-item to be skipped.
Override CONF variables for a test.
Use python mock to mock an object attribute
Mocks the specified objects attribute with the given value. Automatically performs ‘addCleanup’ for the mock.
Cleanly override CONF variables.
Run before each test method to initialize test environment.
Bases: exceptions.Exception
Utilities and helper functions.
Bases: xml.sax.expatreader.ExpatParser
An expat parser which disables DTD’s and entities by default.
Bases: type
Metaclass that wraps all methods of a class with trace_method.
This metaclass will cause every function inside of the class to be decorated with the trace_method decorator.
To use the metaclass you define a class like so: @six.add_metaclass(utils.TraceWrapperMetaclass) class MyClass(object):
Bases: abc.ABCMeta, cinder.utils.TraceWrapperMetaclass
Metaclass that wraps all methods of a class with trace.
Add user-visible admin metadata to regular metadata.
Extracts the admin metadata keys that are to be made visible to non-administrators, and adds them to the regular metadata structure for the passed-in volume.
Wrapper to get a brick connector object.
This automatically populates the required protocol as well as the root_helper needed to execute commands.
Wrapper to automatically set root_helper in brick calls.
Parameters: |
Checks that only one of the provided options is actually not-none.
Iterates over all the kwargs passed in and checks that only one of said arguments is not-none, if more than one is not-none then an exception will be raised with the names of those arguments who were not-none.
Check the length of specified string.
Parameters: |
Convert to native string.
Convert bytes and Unicode strings to native strings:
Invoke an interactive shell session on server.
Convenience wrapper around oslo’s execute() method.
Find a configuration file using the given hint.
Parameters: | config_path – Full or relative path to the config. |
Returns: | Full path of the config, if it exists. |
Raises: | cinder.exception.ConfigNotFound |
Get ‘major:minor’ number of block device.
Get the device’s ‘major:minor’ number of a block device to control I/O ratelimit of the specified path. If lookup_for_file is True and the path is a regular file, lookup a disk device which the file lies on and returns the result for the device.
This primarily exists to make unit testing easier.
This primarily exists to make unit testing easier.
Returns the file size.
Returns a list of items matching the specified path.
Takes an XPath-like expression e.g. prop1/prop2/prop3, and for each item in items, looks up items[prop1][prop2][prop3]. Like XPath, if any of the intermediate results are lists it will treat each list item individually. A ‘None’ in items or any child expressions will be ignored, this function will not throw because of None (anywhere) in items. The returned list will contain no None values.
Generate a hash for the contents of a file.
Check if a value looks like an int.
Check if a string represents a None value.
Check if the provided string is a valid bool string or not.
This method gives you the most recently completed audit period.
Convert list of dicts to a indexted dict.
Takes a list of dicts, and converts it a nested dict indexed by <key>
Parameters: | seq – list of dicts |
Parm key: | key in dicts to index by |
Return a path to a particular device.
>>> make_dev_path('xvdc')
>>> make_dev_path('xvdc', 1)
Patches decorators for all functions in a specified module.
If the CONF.monkey_patch set as True, this function patches a decorator for all functions in specified modules.
You can set decorators for each modules using CONF.monkey_patch_modules. The format is “Module path:Decorator function”. Example: ‘’ cinder.openstack.common.notifier.api.notify_decorator’
Parameters of the decorator is as follows. (See cinder.openstack.common.notifier.api.notify_decorator)
Parameters: |
Secure helper to read file as root.
Remove search options that are not valid for non-admin API/context.
Verifies if driver is initialized
If the driver is not initialized, an exception will be raised.
Params driver: | The driver instance. |
Raises: | exception.DriverNotInitialized |
Resolves host name to IP address.
Resolves a host name ( to an IP address ( This routine also works if the data passed in hostname is already an IP. In this case, the same IP address will be returned.
Parameters: | hostname – Host name to resolve. |
Returns: | IP Address for Host name. |
Parse an XML string using minidom safely.
Return a hostname which conforms to RFC-952 and RFC-1123 specs.
Check whether a service is up based on last heartbeat.
Set global variables for each trace flag.
Sets variables TRACE_METHOD and TRACE_API, which represent whether to log method and api traces.
Parameters: | trace_flags – a list of strings |
Temporarily chown a path.
Params owner_uid: | |
UID of temporary owner (defaults to current user) |
Trace calls to the decorated function.
This decorator should always be defined as the outermost decorator so it is defined last. This is important so it does not interfere with other decorators.
Using this decorator on a function will cause its execution to be logged at DEBUG level with arguments, return values, and exceptions.
:returns a function decorator
Decorates a function if TRACE_API is true.
Decorates a function if TRACE_METHOD is true.
Walk class hierarchy, yielding most derived classes first.
Escapes a string so it is valid within XML or XHTML.