The cinder.volume.drivers.vzstorage Module

class VZStorageDriver(execute=<function execute at 0x7f98707f8e60>, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: cinder.volume.drivers.remotefs.RemoteFSSnapDriver

Cinder driver for Virtuozzo Storage.

Creates volumes as files on the mounted vzstorage cluster.

Version history:
1.0 - Initial driver.
SHARE_FORMAT_REGEX = '(?:(\\S+):\\/)?([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)(?::(\\S+))?'
VERSION = '1.0'
delete_volume(inst, *args, **kwargs)

Any initialization the volume driver does while starting.

driver_prefix = 'vzstorage'
driver_volume_type = 'vzstorage'
extend_volume(inst, *args, **kwargs)
initialize_connection(inst, *args, **kwargs)
volume_backend_name = 'Virtuozzo_Storage'

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