Volume driver for Nimble Storage.
This driver supports Nimble Storage controller CS-Series.
Bases: cinder.exception.VolumeBackendAPIException
Bases: object
Makes Nimble API calls.
Execute addAcl API.
Execute cloneVol API.
Execute createInitiatorGrp API.
Execute createVol API.
Execute deleteInitiatorGrp API.
Execute deleteSnap API.
Execute deleteVol API.
Execute dissocProtPol API.
Execute editVol API.
Execute getGroupConfig API.
Execute getInitiatorGrpList API.
Execute getNetConfig API.
Execute getVolInfo API.
Execute Https Login API.
Execute onlineSnap API.
Execute onlineVol API.
Execute removeVolAcl API.
Execute snapVol API.
Bases: cinder.exception.VolumeDriverException
Bases: cinder.volume.drivers.san.san.SanISCSIDriver
OpenStack driver to enable Nimble Controller.
1.0 - Initial driver 1.1.1 - Updated VERSION to Nimble driver version 1.1.2 - Update snap-quota to unlimited 2.0.0 - Added Extra Spec Capability
Correct capacity reporting Added Manage/Unmanage volume support
2.0.1 - Added multi-initiator support through extra-specs 2.0.2 - Fixed supporting extra specs while cloning vols
Create a clone of the specified volume.
Driver entry point to get the export info for a new volume.
Create a snapshot.
Create a new volume.
Create a volume from a snapshot.
Delete a snapshot.
Delete the specified volume.
Setup the Nimble Cinder volume driver.
Driver entry point to get the export info for an existing volume.
Extend an existing volume.
Get volume stats. This is more of getting group stats.
Driver entry point to attach a volume to an instance.
Manage an existing nimble volume (import to cinder)
Return size of an existing volume
Driver entry point to unattach a volume from an instance.
Removes the specified volume from Cinder management.