GPFS Volume Driver.
Bases: cinder.volume.driver.ConsistencyGroupVD, cinder.volume.driver.ExtendVD, cinder.volume.driver.LocalVD, cinder.volume.driver.TransferVD, cinder.volume.driver.CloneableVD, cinder.volume.driver.CloneableImageVD, cinder.volume.driver.SnapshotVD, cinder.volume.driver.MigrateVD, cinder.volume.driver.BaseVD
Implements volume functions using GPFS primitives.
Version history: 1.0.0 - Initial driver 1.1.0 - Add volume retype, refactor volume migration 1.2.0 - Add consistency group support 1.3.0 - Add NFS based GPFS storage backend support 1.3.1 - Add GPFS native encryption (encryption of data at rest) support
Create a new backup from an existing volume.
Returns an error if prerequisites aren’t met.
Create a volume from the specified image.
Fetch the image from image_service and write it to the volume.
Note that cinder.volume.flows.create_volume will attempt to use clone_image to efficiently create volume from image when both source and target are backed by gpfs storage. If that is not the case, this function is invoked and uses fetch_to_raw to create the volume.
Copy the volume to the specified image.
Create snapshot of a consistency group of GPFS volumes.
Create a GPFS volume from another volume.
Create consistency group of GPFS volumes.
Exports the volume.
Creates a GPFS snapshot.
Creates a GPFS volume.
Creates a GPFS volume from a snapshot.
Delete snapshot of a consistency group of GPFS volumes.
Delete consistency group of GPFS volumes.
Deletes a GPFS snapshot.
Deletes a logical volume.
Determine storage back end capabilities.
Synchronously recreates an export for a logical volume.
Extend an existing volume.
Get volume stats.
If ‘refresh’ is True, or stats have never been updated, run update the stats first.
Return the local path for the specified volume.
Attempt to migrate a volume to specified host.
Removes an export for a logical volume.
Restore an existing backup to a new or existing volume.
Modify volume to be of new type.
Bases:, cinder.volume.drivers.nfs.NfsDriver, cinder.volume.drivers.san.san.SanDriver
GPFS cinder driver extension.
This extends the capability of existing GPFS cinder driver to be able to create cinder volumes when cinder volume service is not running on GPFS node.
Create a new backup from an existing volume.
Create a GPFS volume from another volume.
Creates a GPFS volume.
Creates a GPFS volume from a snapshot.
Deletes a logical volume.
Get volume stats.
If ‘refresh’ is True, or stats have never been updated, run update the stats first.
Returns the local path for the specified volume.