iSCSI Cinder Volume driver for Hitachi Unified Storage (HUS-HNAS) platform.
Bases: cinder.volume.driver.ISCSIDriver
HDS HNAS volume driver.
Version 1.0.0: Initial driver version Version 2.2.0: Added support to SSH authentication Version 3.2.0: Added pool aware scheduling
Fixed concurrency errors
Version 3.3.0: Fixed iSCSI target limitation error Version 4.0.0: Added manage/unmanage features
Returns an error if prerequisites aren’t met.
Create a clone of a volume.
Parameters: |
Create an export. Moved to initialize_connection.
Parameters: |
Create a snapshot.
Parameters: | snapshot – dictionary snapshot reference |
Create a LU on HNAS.
Parameters: | volume – dictionary volume reference |
Create a volume from a snapshot.
Parameters: |
Delete a snapshot.
Parameters: | snapshot – dictionary snapshot reference |
Delete an LU on HNAS.
Parameters: | volume – dictionary volume reference |
Setup and verify HDS HNAS storage connection.
Extend an existing volume.
Parameters: |
Get volume stats. If ‘refresh’, run update the stats first.
Map the created volume to connector[‘initiator’].
Parameters: |
Manages an existing volume.
The specified Cinder volume is to be taken into Cinder management. The driver will verify its existence and then rename it to the new Cinder volume name. It is expected that the existing volume reference is a File System and some volume_name; e.g., openstack/vol_to_manage
Parameters: |
Gets the size to manage_existing.
Returns the size of volume to be managed by manage_existing.
Parameters: |
Disconnect a volume from an attached instance.
Parameters: |
Terminate a connection to a volume.
Parameters: |
Unmanages a volume from cinder.
Removes the specified volume from Cinder management. Does not delete the underlying backend storage object. A log entry will be made to notify the Admin that the volume is no longer being managed.
Parameters: | volume – cinder volume to unmanage |