Generic base class to implement metadata, compression and chunked data operations
Bases: cinder.backup.driver.BackupDriver
Abstract chunked backup driver.
Implements common functionality for backup drivers that store volume data in multiple “chunks” in a backup repository when the size of the backed up cinder volume exceeds the size of a backup repository “chunk.”
Provides abstract methods to be implmented in concrete chunking drivers.
Backup the given volume.
If backup[‘parent_id’] is given, then an incremental backup is performed.
Delete the given backup.
Delete object from container.
Get container entry names.
Return extra metadata to use in prepare_backup.
This method allows for collection of extra metadata in prepare_backup() which will be passed to get_object_reader() and get_object_writer(). Subclass extensions can use this extra information to optimize data transfers. Return a json serializable object.
Returns a reader object for the backed up chunk.
Returns a writer object which stores the chunk data in backup repository.
The object returned should be a context handler that can be used in a “with” context.
Create the container if needed. No failure if it pre-exists.
Restore the given volume backup from backup repository.
Allow sub-classes to override container name.
This method exists so that sub-classes can override the container name as it comes in to the driver in the backup object. Implementations should return None if no change to the container name is desired.