The Capabilities API allows you to directly discover which functions from the V2 API functionality, including the selectable aggregate functions, are supported by the currently configured storage driver. A capabilities query returns a flattened dictionary of properties with associated boolean values - a ‘False’ or absent value means that the corresponding feature is not available in the backend.
Returns a flattened dictionary of API capabilities.
Capabilities supported by the currently configured storage driver.
Return type: | Capabilities |
A representation of the API and storage capabilities.
Usually constrained by restrictions imposed by the storage driver.
Data samples:
"alarm_storage": {
"storage:production_ready": true
"api": {
"alarms:history:query:complex": true,
"alarms:history:query:simple": true,
"alarms:query:complex": true,
"alarms:query:simple": true
Type: | dict(unicode: bool) |
A flattened dictionary of alarm storage capabilities
Type: | dict(unicode: bool) |
A flattened dictionary of API capabilities
Return all alarms, based on the query provided.
Parameters: |
Return type: | list(Alarm) |
Create a new alarm.
Parameters: |
Return type: |
Modify this alarm.
Parameters: |
Return type: |
Delete this alarm.
Assembles the alarm history requested.
Parameters: |
Return type: | list(AlarmChange) |
Set the state of this alarm.
Parameters: |
Return type: | Enum(ok, alarm, insufficient data) |
Get the state of this alarm.
Return type: | Enum(ok, alarm, insufficient data) |
Representation of an alarm.
combination_rule and threshold_rule are mutually exclusive. The type of the alarm should be set to threshold or combination and the appropriate rule should be filled.
Data samples:
"alarm_actions": [
"alarm_id": null,
"combination_rule": {
"alarm_ids": [
"operator": "or"
"description": "An alarm",
"enabled": true,
"insufficient_data_actions": [
"name": "SwiftObjectAlarm",
"ok_actions": [
"project_id": "c96c887c216949acbdfbd8b494863567",
"repeat_actions": false,
"severity": "moderate",
"state": "ok",
"state_timestamp": "2015-01-01T12:00:00",
"time_constraints": [
"description": "nightly build every night at 23h for 3 hours",
"duration": 10800,
"name": "SampleConstraint",
"start": "0 23 * * *",
"timezone": "Europe/Ljubljana"
"timestamp": "2015-01-01T12:00:00",
"type": "combination",
"user_id": "c96c887c216949acbdfbd8b494863567"
<alarm_id nil="true" />
<description>An alarm</description>
<description>nightly build every night at 23h for 3 hours</description>
<start>0 23 * * *</start>
Type: | list(unicode) |
The actions to do when alarm state change to alarm
Type: | unicode |
The UUID of the alarm
Type: | unicode |
The description of the alarm
Type: | bool |
This alarm is enabled?
Type: | list(unicode) |
The actions to do when alarm state change to insufficient data
Type: | unicode |
The name for the alarm
Type: | list(unicode) |
The actions to do when alarm state change to ok
Type: | unicode |
The ID of the project or tenant that owns the alarm
Type: | bool |
The actions should be re-triggered on each evaluation cycle
Type: | Enum(low, moderate, critical) |
The severity of the alarm
Type: | Enum(ok, alarm, insufficient data) |
The state offset the alarm
Type: | datetime |
The date of the last alarm state changed
Type: | list(AlarmTimeConstraint) |
Describe time constraints for the alarm
Type: | datetime |
The date of the last alarm definition update
Type: | Enum(gnocchi_aggregation_by_metrics_threshold, combination, composite, gnocchi_resources_threshold, gnocchi_aggregation_by_resources_threshold, threshold, event) |
Explicit type specifier to select which rule to follow below.
Type: | unicode |
The ID of the user who created the alarm
Alarm Threshold Rule
Describe when to trigger the alarm based on computed statistics
Data samples:
"comparison_operator": "gt",
"evaluation_periods": 1,
"exclude_outliers": false,
"meter_name": "cpu_util",
"period": 60,
"query": [
"field": "resource_id",
"op": "eq",
"type": "string",
"value": "2a4d689b-f0b8-49c1-9eef-87cae58d80db"
"statistic": "avg",
"threshold": 300.0
Type: | Enum(lt, le, eq, ne, ge, gt) |
The comparison against the alarm threshold
Type: | integer |
The number of historical periods to evaluate the threshold
Type: | bool |
Whether datapoints with anomalously low sample counts are excluded
Type: | unicode |
The name of the meter
Type: | integer |
The time range in seconds over which query
Type: | list(Query) |
The query to find the data for computing statistics. Ownership settings are automatically included based on the Alarm owner.
Type: | Enum(max, min, avg, sum, count) |
The statistic to compare to the threshold
Type: | float |
The threshold of the alarm
Alarm Combination Rule
Describe when to trigger the alarm based on combining the state of other alarms.
Data samples:
"alarm_ids": [
"operator": "or"
Type: | list(unicode) |
List of alarm identifiers to combine
Type: | Enum(or, and) |
How to combine the sub-alarms
Data samples:
"comparison_operator": "eq",
"evaluation_periods": 1,
"granularity": 60
Type: | unicode |
The name of the metric
Type: | unicode |
The id of a resource
Type: | unicode |
The resource type
Data samples:
"comparison_operator": "eq",
"evaluation_periods": 1,
"granularity": 60
Type: | unicode |
The name of the metric
Type: | unicode |
The resource type
Data samples:
"comparison_operator": "eq",
"evaluation_periods": 1,
"granularity": 60
Type: | list(unicode) |
A list of metric Ids
Representation of a time constraint on an alarm.
Data samples:
"description": "nightly build every night at 23h for 3 hours",
"duration": 10800,
"name": "SampleConstraint",
"start": "0 23 * * *",
"timezone": "Europe/Ljubljana"
<description>nightly build every night at 23h for 3 hours</description>
<start>0 23 * * *</start>
Type: | unicode |
The description of the constraint
Type: | integer |
How long the constraint should last, in seconds
Type: | unicode |
The name of the constraint
Type: | cron |
Start point of the time constraint, in cron format
Type: | unicode |
Timezone of the constraint
Representation of an event in an alarm’s history.
Data samples:
"alarm_id": "e8ff32f772a44a478182c3fe1f7cad6a",
"detail": "{\"threshold\": 42.0, \"evaluation_periods\": 4}",
"on_behalf_of": "92159030020611e3b26dde429e99ee8c",
"project_id": "b6f16144010811e387e4de429e99ee8c",
"timestamp": "2015-01-01T12:00:00",
"type": "rule change",
"user_id": "3e5d11fda79448ac99ccefb20be187ca"
<type>rule change</type>
<detail>{"threshold": 42.0, "evaluation_periods": 4}</detail>
Type: | unicode |
The UUID of the alarm
Type: | unicode |
JSON fragment describing change
Type: | unicode |
The UUID of the change event
Type: | unicode |
The tenant on behalf of which the change is being made
Type: | unicode |
The project ID of the initiating identity
Type: | datetime |
The time/date of the alarm change
Type: | Enum(creation, rule change, state transition, deletion) |
The type of change
Type: | unicode |
The user ID of the initiating identity
The filter expressions of the query feature operate on the fields of Alarm and AlarmChange. The following comparison operators are supported: =, !=, <, <=, >, >= and in; and the following logical operators can be used: and or and not. The field names are validated against the database models.
Complex Query supports defining the list of orderby expressions in the form of [{“field_name”: “asc”}, {“field_name2”: “desc”}, ...].
The number of the returned items can be bounded using the limit option.
The filter, orderby and limit are all optional fields in a query.
Define query for retrieving Alarm data.
Parameters: |
Return type: | list(Alarm) |
Define query for retrieving AlarmChange data.
Parameters: |
Return type: | list(AlarmChange) |
Holds a sample query encoded in json.
Data samples:
"filter": "{\"and\": [{\"and\": [{\"=\": {\"counter_name\": \"cpu_util\"}}, {\">\": {\"counter_volume\": 0.23}}, {\"<\": {\"counter_volume\": 0.26}}]}, {\"or\": [{\"and\": [{\">\": {\"timestamp\": \"2013-12-01T18:00:00\"}}, {\"<\": {\"timestamp\": \"2013-12-01T18:15:00\"}}]}, {\"and\": [{\">\": {\"timestamp\": \"2013-12-01T18:30:00\"}}, {\"<\": {\"timestamp\": \"2013-12-01T18:45:00\"}}]}]}]}",
"limit": 42,
"orderby": "[{\"counter_volume\": \"ASC\"}, {\"timestamp\": \"DESC\"}]"
<filter>{"and": [{"and": [{"=": {"counter_name": "cpu_util"}}, {">": {"counter_volume": 0.23}}, {"<": {"counter_volume": 0.26}}]}, {"or": [{"and": [{">": {"timestamp": "2013-12-01T18:00:00"}}, {"<": {"timestamp": "2013-12-01T18:15:00"}}]}, {"and": [{">": {"timestamp": "2013-12-01T18:30:00"}}, {"<": {"timestamp": "2013-12-01T18:45:00"}}]}]}]}</filter>
<orderby>[{"counter_volume": "ASC"}, {"timestamp": "DESC"}]</orderby>
Type: | unicode |
The filter expression encoded in json.
Type: | int |
The maximum number of results to be returned.
Type: | unicode |
List of single-element dicts for specifing the ordering of the results.
The composite type alarm allows users to specify a composite rule to define an alarm with multiple triggering conditions, using a combination of and and or relations. A composite rule is composed of multiple threshold rules or gnocchi rules. A sample composite alarm request form is as follows:
"name": "test_composite",
"type": "composite",
"composite_rule": {
A sub-rule in composite_rule is same as a threshold_rule in threshold alarm or a gnocchi_rule in gnocchi alarm. Additionally it has a mandatory type field to specify the rule type, like in the following sample:
"threshold": 0.8,
"meter_name": "cpu_util",
"type": "threshold"